
YOUTH & CHILDREN: We have mid-week (Wednesday), Sunday School (9:45 AM), AND Sunday Service (Kids Church, 11:00 AM) programs to serve our teens and children.


Wheaties is tailored for our church youth, so they can learn more about what it is like to serve our community with a Christian attitude.

Praise Team & cHOIR

The Praise Team (contemporary) and Choir (gospel & traditional) do a wonderful job of connecting people with the Lord through music. Do you want to use your talent to serve the Lord? There might be a place for you in one of these!

Vacation bible school

VBS begins in August and is a great place where "kids can connect to God’s Word in a creative setting where the gospel message can speak into their hearts."

Level - Up 

Our young adults get together to talk about the bible and how it should be understood. They relate every text to their own life experience and grow as individuals with support of peers.



During the year we have a handbell choir play for our congregation from Christmas into Summer. There are many bells, that need more loving hands to play them! Ask about joining, we would love to have you!